The BKLYN MILE, presented by HOKA, is a non-profit event produced by the Brooklyn Running Company, NYC’s independent running shop. The event’s exclusive beneficiary is Girls on the Run NYC (“GOTR”).
Girls on the Run NYC is a 501(c)3 nonprofit organization dedicated to creating a world where every girl knows and activates her limitless potential, and is free to boldly pursue her dreams. Girls on the Run inspires girls to recognize their inner strength and celebrate what makes them one of a kind.
All monies earned from the BKLYN MILE are pledged in support of GOTR’s noble mission and admirable work in the youth community.
The BKLYN MILE, presented by HOKA, employs a wave start method. The waves and the associated start times are as follows:
9:30AM: Masters Women Mile (40 years and older)
9:50AM: Masters Men Mile (40 years and older)
10:10AM: Bandit Women’s Open Mile
10:30AM: Bandit Men’s Open Mile
10:50AM: Trials of Miles Fast Movers Women’s Mile*
11:10AM: Trials of Miles Fast Movers Men’s Mile*
11:30AM: Quita Francique Friends & Family Mile
*Fast Movers waves are granted by invitation only (invite cutoff times are approximately 4:05 for men and 4:45 for women, but subject to change)
For their paid entry fee, participants* will receive the following:
(Greatest “giveaway” deal in the history of running and racing. Period.)
*Kids 11 years or younger must participate in the Friends & Family wave and the registration fee is $15. They will receive a finisher medal, but no other race giveaways for this entry fee.
Starting in 2019, in an effort to reduce the event’s environmental impact, we eliminated the traditional plastic race bag and distributed to all participants a reusable BKLYN MILE zipper tote. Returning participants are encouraged to then reuse that same tote each year. For those participants who bring a prior year’s race tote to the current year’s packet pickup for reuse, we will credit back $10 of the paid entry.
Follow this link to the USATF-certified course page.
Yes, the BKLYN MILE course is USATF certified.
The race starts at Kent Avenue near South 10th Street in Williamsburg, Brooklyn. The race finishes near North 9th Street and Kent Avenue in Williamsburg, Brooklyn.
Yes. There will be both net and gun timing results provided for participants. Gun time results are used for award determination purposes.
The race timing will be done utilizing Chronotrack. The timing sensors will be on the backside of your race number. For the best accuracy, be sure not to bend or fold your number.
Yes, but ONLY those invited participants competing in either of the Trials of Miles Fast Movers miles will be eligible for cash awards of $2,500, $1,000 and $500 for each of the top three male and female finishers. Also, a $1,000 course record bonus is on offer. Current course records are held by Eleanor Fulton (4:28) and Jack Antsey (3:56).
Yes. The ceremony will take place at the finish line tent just outside of Marsha P. Johnson State Park just south of North 9th Street and Kent Avenue. Per the below, there will be a rolling awards schedule throughout the day as the individual waves take place. Announced awards will be distributed to the overall winners of the Masters, Open and Fast Movers waves.
Age groupers will be able to pick up their honors at the Registration Tent within Martha P. Johnson State Park as soon as results are produced after each respective wave is run. There will be traditional age group awards for the top male and female finishers in the following categories: 12-19, 20-29, 30-39, 40-49, 50-59, 60-69 and 70+, in addition to recognition of the top Non-Binary finisher overall irrespective of chosen wave. There will be a separate award for the top Masters Male and top Masters Female finisher.
Awards Presentation Schedule is as follows:
10:30AM: Masters Women & Men (top female and male announced)
11:10AM: Bandit Women’s & Men’s Open (top female and male announced)
11:50AM: Trials of Miles Fast Movers Women’s & Men’s Miles (top 3 announced)
Yes! In addition to activities held throughout the day in the official BKLYN MILE festival area within Marsha P. Johnson State Park, Bandit Running is hosting an “off-campus” After-Party at BK Backyard (formerly Tailgate) from 1pm – 5pm.
The Quita Francique Friends & Family wave consists of youth runners (11 years or younger) and also participants looking for a less competitive BKLYN MILE experience. (Please note that this wave is also timed.) Beginners, back-of-the-packers, families, jogging strollers, dog owners and youth participants will have a chance to share and enjoy the course together, and close out the event in style.
The beauty of the mile distance is that it’s accessible to all, no matter the level of experience or ability. It can be used as a measuring stick for those looking to gauge fitness or even jumpstart a new exercise regimen. It can be used as a bonding tool by families or work teams. And most importantly, the Quita Francique Friends and Family Mile is a great opportunity to introduce the wonderful sport of running to our younger generations; for they are the future of our sport.
Yes. There will be a monitored bag check -for participants only- within Marsha P. Johnson State Park adjacent to the finish line. You must use the official reusable zipper race tote bag provided by the race. To check this tote at the bag drop, please tear away the Bag Check tag from your race bib and pin to your reusable BKLYN MILE tote. Present the tote to race security for inspection at the entrance to the bag check corral.
All checked items must fit inside the tote. Runners may not enter the bag-check area. The BKLYN MILE and the NYPD reserve the right to search any bag at any time, both within and outside the bag-check area and while the corral will be well looked after, the race will not be held responsible for any missing goods.
Upon registering, if you are 40 or older, you will automatically be placed into the Masters wave. If you would like an exception and prefer to run in the Bandit Open Mile, please contact race management at Please note, however, that only Masters runners participating in the Masters wave will be eligible for Masters specific awards.
Participation in the Trials of Miles Fast Movers Mile is granted by invite only. Minimum qualifying criteria is 4:50 for women and 4:05 for men, but could lower dependent upon quality of the fields in any given year.
During the registration process, be sure to provide a recent and verifiable mile seed time (it must have been run within the most recent calendar year) and you will be contacted by race management in the final week before the race, ONLY if you have qualified. Otherwise, you will be placed in the Masters Mile (if 40 or older) or the Bandit Open Mile as applicable. Please note, however, that by choosing to compete in the Fast Movers wave, you will forgo eligibility for age group awards as only those participating in the Masters and Open waves will be eligible.
If you do not hear from race management, please assume you have not qualified for the Fast Movers Mile.
Registration opens on Friday, June 13, 2025 at noon. Although expected to sell-out prior, registration is scheduled to close on Thursday, July 31 at midnight for all waves except the kids division of the Friends & Family wave, which will remain open through Saturday, August 2 at 7pm. There is no race day registration for anyone.
The registration fee for any individual BKLYN MILE wave is $45.
Kids 11 years or younger must participate in the Friends & Family wave and the registration fee is $15. They will receive a finisher medal, but no other race giveaways for this entry fee.
There is no race day registration available, so please sign up in advance.
No. All registration take place online.
There are no refunds for this race.
“But I tore my hamstring running around the yard barefoot with a lit sparkler on the 4th of July, why can’t I get my money back?!”
Trust that we empathize with all of the issues that may arise along the way to toeing the starting line of any race. But this is a charity race and we have operating expenses that are largely disbursed well in advance of event day and those cannot be refunded/recouped either. Thank you for your understanding.
We encourage all participants to avoid the race day rush and pick up beforehand at the Brooklyn Running Company‘s WILLIAMSBURG location. Their smiling faces will ease your pre-race jitters.
Friday, August 1: 11AM – 7PM; Saturday, August 2: 11AM – 7PM:
Brooklyn Running Company, Williamsburg
222 Grand Street
Brooklyn, NY 11211
Race Day, August 3, from 7:30AM until 9AM:
Marsha P. Johnson State Park on Kent Avenue in Williamsburg
b/t North 9th and North 10th streets
Brooklyn, NY 11211
No. A handful make this mistake every year and have to trek all the way back to the finish. If you are picking up your number the day of the race, you must do so within Marsha P. Johnson State Park, which is adjacent to the event’s finish line.
Yes. Life happens. A proxy will be allowed to pick up your packet for you. The proxy MUST HAVE a copy of your license and a copy of your race entry confirmation. Please don’t make us turn you away. It gets awkward.
No. Bibs are not transferable.
All kids running the Quita Francique Friends & Family Mile will receive a finisher medal. Otherwise, no.
No shuttles will be provided. If coming from Manhattan and certain parts of Queens, the NYC Ferry across the East River to North Williamsburg is the easiest (and most beautiful) way to get to our race. The landing is about a ten minute walk to packet pickup. (Be sure to use the weekend schedule.) Traffic is unpredictable and weekend subway service can be dicey.
Kids who are 11 years of age or younger must participate in our Quita Francique Friends & Family wave. It is preferable that kids under 11 run accompanied by a parent or guardian.
There will be great vantage points all along Kent Avenue from which to watch this point to point race. The start and finish are logical places, but there will be cheer zones all along the course. BYOB: Bring your own (cow)bell.
For your safety and for that of all participants, we recommend that you do not use any electronic devices while participating in the BKLYN MILE. Plus, the crowds will just drown it out on the second half of the course anyway.
There are worse places to visit than Williamsburg on a Summer Sunday! Hit the Google.
Williamsburg is more accommodating for parking than many other NYC neighborhoods. There are also parking garages nearby. Otherwise, parking along the Kent Avenue race course is prohibited. A bit of friendly advice: playing roulette with NYC meter maids is not recommended. They are ninja assassins.
There are no official hotel affiliations, but there are a few convenient lodging options in the neighborhood which the Google will locate for you.
No. This isn’t lawn bowling. If it’s raining, lace ‘em up and let’s get soaked together!
Not at this time. We are looking to accommodate wheelchairs in future years as the event develops.
There will not be a traditional race expo in the days leading up to the event. However, there will be a Sponsor and Vendor Exhibition on the day of the event starting at 7:30AM adjacent to the finish line in Marsha P. Johnson State Park. Please direct all inquiries to
We will be calling participants to assemble at the starting line 10 minutes before their assigned group wave time.
No water stations. It’s only a mile! There will be fluids provided by Essentia Water at the start, in the finish chute and in the State Park festival area.
Yes. Mile High Run Club will be providing pacers in the Bandit Women’s Open (7, 7:30, 8, 8:30 and 9min goal paces) and Bandit Men’s Open waves (6, 6:30, 7, 7:30 and 8min goal paces).
No. But there will be plenty of them located at both the start and in Marsha P. Johnson State Park adjacent to the finish area.